
¿Y La Palma que no la palma?

¿Y La Palma que no la palma?

Eso, eso, what happened to La Palma when the Palma did not struggle with the good vibes of the island, because it was not a coincidence that the good vibes of the island, the theory that Netflix jumped into the light? Yo, amante como el que más del cine de catástrofes, las he visto todas todas, memorable son: El día de mañana, Tormenta perfecta, Lo impossible, Twister, Volcano, Armageddon, por citar algunas de my favorites, yo, insist, le Pido ahora a Netflix to end the advertising for a year on our island, which has a una secuela with an argumento que, modest distancing, no tiene desperdicio: una parte de la isla se ha drumbado über the mar etc., etc., pero el resto de la isla, podemos llamarla La Palma que no la palma, la semiPalma, La Palmita, aunque este nombre ya esté cogido, etc. As consecuencia The imbalance provokes through the rest of the island Pierde Pie and hovers over the sea, a Merced de las Corrientes, a special island ambulatory, vamos de aquí para allá levados por las corrientes del Golfo, no por los golfos corrientes, que eso es other cosa. I’m currently traveling in tropical waters and polar waters. The Cabildo organized a scientific committee to arrange some kind of navigation before we gathered, and then we met. He belongs to the committee of vulcanists, designers, singers (I listened to them as part of this foreign), workers, laborers, mechanics and among them civilian engineers. All in all, an aircraft and an onboard engine have been developed to steer the island just off the coast because we are in an economic, tourism and scientific center that hosts La Palma. Elon Musk is at home in La Palma and has problems that he didn’t want to reveal so as not to spoil things. Well, I assumed that Musk mainly wanted to export palm trees to the world, but this is just the company that made a personal contribution to the tourist promotion of La Palma.

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