
“Yellowstone” creator Taylor Sheridan hired a supermodel to play his galpal in the drama “Naturally.”

“Yellowstone” creator Taylor Sheridan hired a supermodel to play his galpal in the drama “Naturally.”

SPOILER ALERT! This story contains plot points from Sunday’s episode of Yellowstone on Paramount.

God grant us the confidence of a showrunner who continues to work on his biggest hit.

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In the penultimate episode of Sunday Yellowstone Titled “Give the World Away,” creator Taylor Sheridan wrote an eye-catching sequence for his on-screen character Travis Wheatley: he could show off his muscles, his impressive riding skills, and his penchant for attracting pretty ladies.

After Kelly Reilly’s Beth comes to the realization that everything on the family ranch needs to be sold so she can pay off her debts, she travels to Texas, where she expects Travis to dump her prized horses on a bunch of “fat Brazilians in tracksuits.” Jewelry.” Except Travis doesn’t go peddling with the herd of ungulates; instead, Beth catches him playing strip poker with three blondes.

However, before she comes in for his little bacchanal, she is greeted at the door by a pretty woman who she mistakes for the masseuse. This woman is Supermodel Bella Hadidwho took the time to serve as the face of Chopard and Saint Laurent to play Sheridan’s girlfriend in the episode.

“You seem like a moderately intelligent woman,” Beth tells Hadid. “How can you work for this crap?”

“I would never work for a horse trainer,” Hadid’s character replies. “Travis is my friend.”

“I’ll take the smart part back,” Beth replies.

After arriving at the arena, Beth asks Hadid’s character what she sees in Travis after describing him as “the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.” Condescending, misogynistic, 25 years older than you.”

Replies Hadid’s character: “Have you ever seen him ride a horse?”

With this, Sheridan’s Travis showcases some more fancy cutting skills in the arena.

“Okay, yeah, I understand,” Beth admits.

But she hasn’t escaped Travis’ hubris yet. While trying to convince him to return to Yellowstone to help auction off the rest of their herd, Travis forces her to play a game of strip poker, where she actually starts unzipping her dress before he admits to having a bit of fun.

“You are such a royal child!” she shouts. But hey, he still agreed to work for free.

The episode ends with the animals being sold, the staff deserted due to Colby’s death, and Beth believing that the $30 million they raised at the auction would keep Yellowstone afloat for another year – until her brother Kayce (Luke Grimes) hints that he has a plan to keep their land untouched by possibly selling it to a sympathetic buyer.

Next week marks the series finale of Yellowstone.

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